Tiny Footprint Coffee
Honduras | Los Encinos Guazpo
Flavor Profile: Sweet fruit with light spice and a melt-away chocolate-like finish.
Roast: Medium
Region: Puringla, La Paz
Farm (Finca): Los Encinos - Guazpo Plot
Elevation: 1,700 - 1,800 masl
Variety: Catuai, Typica, IH90
Process: Washed
More Info about this coffee
This coffee from Luha and Issel Medina comes from a special high-altitude plot on their farm they call Guazpo. The altitude combined with the Catuai and Typica varieties makes for a brighter coffee with more fruit and floral tones than their Los Encinos coffee that was a big hit last year and will make a return appearance here later in the year.
These beans are fully washed, so the cherry is pulped (skin and part of the fruit removed) and then wet-fermented up to 48 hours, before final washing and raised screen sun-drying. Because of this, the tastes that manifest in this cup are brighter fruit tones and clean, elegant body. After defective beans are removed (sorting) in the dry-mill, the green coffee is packed in Grainpro and jute bags for export.
More Info about this farm
The Medina sisters, Luha and Issel, have worked on their family's farm for years. Although the coffee-growing industry in Honduras has been historically male-dominated (and still is), these sisters have forged their way to being an integral part of the coffee-growing community in Santiago de Puringla. Despite the barriers, Luha and Issel now manage the farm and are involved in many other ways in their community. Other projects that the Medina sisters are taking on include creating a roasted coffee brand with plans for a coffee shop, creating a farmers' co-op (which now runs its own small mill), and product and income diversification efforts (producing honey, fruit wines, etc.). They are living proof that resiliency and tenacity can open doors previously sealed off to women in the male-dominated Honduras coffee scene, and that communities thrive with women at the forefront.
-Direct Trade
-Certified Organic